Category Archives: Kites

New Kite Tech! Ozones Constant Curve Leading Edge

Constant Curve Leading Edge Ozone Enduro V4 Alpha V2

Ozone Kites Constant Curve Leading Edge Ozones Constant Curve Leading Edge can be currently found on their Alpha V2 Model of Kites.  This construction technique is only currently used by Ozone Kites, and has been in development for quite a few years now. Having a fully curved leading edge creates a cleaner surface at the […]

Feature Fridays 02/03/2018

SHINN KITEBOARDS 2020 Unity Watersports

Feature Friday (week 8) Ride Engine Welcome to our eighth feature Friday. This week we will be taking a more in depth look at a major innovation in kiting brought to you from the lovely team at Ride Engine Ride Engine Hardshell Technology Back in 2010 Ride Engine started with a Santa Cruz waterman Coleman Buckley. Buckley, […]

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