Ozone Kites Constant Curve Leading Edge

Constant Curve Leading Edge Ozone Enduro V4 Alpha V2

What does this mean for my kites?

What Is It

Ozone kites new Continuous Curve Leading Edge construction.

Each segment is now curved to form a perfect smooth arc from tip to tip as opposed to straight segments with angled joints.

Ozones Constant Curve Leading Edge can be currently found on their Alpha V2 Model of Kites. 

This construction technique is only currently used by Ozone Kites, and has been in development for quite a few years now.

Having a fully curved leading edge creates a cleaner surface at the most important area of the airfoil. The result is less turbulent airflow, which positively affects the lift to drag ratio increasing overall performance.

How Will I Notice The Difference In My Kite?

The Kites will feel incredibly smooth in the air with a large de-power range, an amazing bar feeling with progressive handling, boost for jumping and drift in the waves. This will change every aspect of the kite and we look forward to seeing it on some other models of Ozone Kites.

Maybe The Ozone Enduro v4, Or if you check out Jamie Overbreeks Instagram what looks like a prototype edge with the Constant Curve Leading Edge  

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